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Lesson 7
7.1 Introduction
Regulation concerning health and safety at work may differ from country to country in detail, but some relevant provisions are embodied in all of them. It is the duty of every employee while at work to take reasonable care for the health and safety of himself and of other persons, who may be effected by his acts or omission at work.
7.2 Safety at WorkNo persons shall intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interest of health, safety or welfare in pursuance of any of the relevant statutory provisions.
- Every dairyman must be trained to be safety conscious and should know the correct use of protective clothing.
- Overall should be buttoned up, sleeves rolled up above the elbows or cuffs buttoned up, and a protective cap should be worn.
- Gloves may not be worn at all time, but a suitable barrier creams should be used to protect the skin. Cotton gloves with reinforced non-slip gripping surface are worn when handling oil or greases covered component or material. Heat resistance gloves should be used to give protection against burns. Leather gloves give protection against sharp corners when handling bulky or heavy equipment. Rubber gloves are worn when using cleaning fluids and to protect the hands from skin damage due to air blast when cleaning component by means of compressed air. Also the electricians have to use adequate protection gloves and shoes
- Footwear worn should be reinforced safety shoes or boots with reinforced toecaps, especially at work demanding the lifting or relatively heavy components. Special care should be taken where the condition underfoot are hazardous such as excessive water on the floor.
- Goggles must be worn when a chisel, a sharpening tool or a grinder are used, and when cleaning with compressed air is performed. Suitable goggles to be worn while welding operation.
- Hazard warning signs, obligation and instruction should be widely displayed throughout the building on walls, vehicles, container, etc. Every potentially dangerous part of any machine whether power driven or not must be securely protected.
General safety rules should be displayed in places where they can be easily and frequently seen by the staff concerned. It is more effective to display them as a list of what should and what should not be done in connection with particular types of jobs.
Table 7.1 Safety colours
7.3 Hazards Warning Signs
For the safety of yourself and all other personnel any hazard warning signs displayed inside or in the vicinity of the factory should be observed.
Fig. 7.1 hazards warning signs
These signs may appear in areas, on walls, vehicles (tankers) or containers, e.g. drums.
Fig. 7.2 hazards warning signs