Reciprocal translocations


  • Reciprocal translocations are of two types,
    • Homozygous translocations
    • Heterozygous translocations

Homozygous translocations

  • In which both the homologous chromosomes exchange parts with the two homologues of another pair.
  • These are difficult to detect cytologically, since they have normal meiosis.
  • Generally they can influence the phenotype, if the translocated genes have position effects, since after translocation they form linkage groups different from what they had before.

Homozygous reciprocal translocation

Click hereTo view "Homozygous Translocations Mutation Animation"

Heterozygous translocations

  • Are those involving only one member of each of the two homologous pairs.
  • These are detected cytologically by characteristic configurations they make at synopsis.

Heterozygous reciprocal translocation

Click here To view "Heterozygous Translocations Mutation Animation"





Last modified: Tuesday, 20 March 2012, 7:23 AM