Gene concept


  • “Gene” is a theoretical term. Like all theoretical terms, its meaning has dramatically changed over and over in time, and it has been defined in so many different operational ways.
  • Firstly it shows that the theoretical concepts of classical genetics cannot be correlated unambiguously with the theoretical concepts of molecular genetics.
  • It was only in the nineteenth century that heredity became a major problem to be dealt with in biology.
  • In the second half of the nineteenth century, Carl Naegeli and August Weismann distinguished the body substance, the “trophoplasm” or “soma”, from a specific hereditary substance, the “idioplasm” or “germ plasm”, which was assumed to be responsible for intergenerational hereditary continuity.
  • Charles Darwin called the presumed hereditary particles as “gemmules”; Hugo de Vries, “pangenes”.




Last modified: Wednesday, 11 January 2012, 7:06 AM