Genotypic variance


  • The variances are obtained by squaring the values multiplying by the frequency of the genotypes concerned and summing over the all genotypes.
  • Genotypic variance is due to additive effects of genes and non-additive effects of genes.
  • Additive effects are connected with breeding values of the individual because parents pass their genes to their offspring not their genotype.

Additive and Dominace variance

  • Variance is obtained by squaring the values then multiplying by the frequency of the genotype concerned, and summing the three genotypes.
A1 A1
A1 A2
A2 A2
Assigned values
Breeding values
2q a
(q-p) a
-2p a
Dominance deviation
-2q2 d
-2p2 d
  • The additive variance which is the variance of breeding value is obtained as follows
    • VA = (2q a )2p2 + [(q-p) a ]22pq + (-2p a )q2
    • VA = 4p2q2 a 2 + (q2-2pq+p2) a 2 2pq + 4p2q2 a 2
    • VA = 2pq a 2 (2pq + q2 - 2pq +p2 + 2pq)
    • VA = 2pq a 2 (1)
    • VA = 2pq [a + d (q-p)] 2
  • The variance of dominance deviation is
    • VD = (-2q2d) 2 + (2pqd) 2 + (-2p2d) 2
    • VD = (2pqd) 2
  • Total genetic variance
    • VG = VA + VD
    • VG = 2pq [a + d (q-p)] 2 + (2pqd) 2
    • VG = 2pq a 2 + (2pqd) 2
  • In general the genes contribute much more variance when at intermediate frequencies than when at high or low frequencies, recessives at low frequency, in particular, contribute very little variance.

Interaction variance

  • When more than one locus is under consideration then the interaction deviations give rise to the interaction variance.
  • It is the variation of the interaction deviations brought about by the epistatic interactions at different loci.
  • Two factor interactions arise from interaction of two loci three factor from three loci etc.
  • In two factor interaction
    • VI = VAA + VAD + VDD + etc




Last modified: Saturday, 24 December 2011, 8:57 AM