

Neoplasm (G. neo-new; plasia- development or formation)


The simple meaning of neoplasia is new growth. Out of many definitions offered, the following definition given by Mallory (1914) is satisfactory.

“A neoplasm is a new growth of cells which

  • Proliferate continuously without control
  • Bearing a considerable resemblance to the healthy cells from which they arise
  • Have no orderly structural arrangement
  • Serve no useful function
  • Have no clearly understood cause (Now a few causes of neoplasms have been identified)”.

Sastry (1986) added that neoplasm continues to grow even after the cessation of the stimuli which evoked the growth response. Tumour the term meaning swelling is currently restricted to neoplasms. The term cancer is used to indicate malignant tumours.

Last modified: Friday, 16 December 2011, 5:58 AM