Livestock policy objectives of india


  • To augment production of milk, eggs, chicken meat and other animal foods and increase availability of animal proteins in human diet.
  • To encourage livestock production through small holders with low input system.
  • To expand organised dairying through synergisation of co-operative and private sector efforts with a focus on quality and hygienic control.
  • To increase production of quality carpet and coarse wool while making efforts for developing fine wool.
  • To enhance participation of women in livestock development programmes and increase nutritional support and supplementary income to rural farmers.
  • To encourage conservation of animal bio-diversity and protection of indigenous breeds of livestock and poultry while restricting cross breeding to low producing stock.
  • To promote avenues for export of livestock and livestock products by adopting measures towards supportive fiscal policy as well as hygiene and quality standards consistent with global trade regime.
  • To control and eradicate communicable animal diseases pests and to increase health cover facilities for optimizing livestock production.
  • To augment feed and fodder resources for sustaining livestock and increasing production.
Last modified: Sunday, 1 April 2012, 9:01 AM