Cattle and buffalo breeding policy of india


  • A reorientation of cattle and buffalo breeding policy would be attempted with area specific approach backed up by appropriate programs addressing our concerns for indigenous cattle breeds and draught animal power. A similar approach has been adopted in the National Project on Cattle and Buffalo Breeding.
  • Indigenous cattle breeds accepted by common farmers shall be further developed through region specific and breed specific programs aimed at selection in the breeding tracts and supply of improved quality germplasm on demand by farmers. The states shall be directed to specifically delineate the areas of native breeds of cattle, record their numbers breed wise and sex wise and encourage farmers to conserve them in their home tracts.
  • Formation of breed associations for improvement of indigenous breeds shall be encouraged. Such associations shall be involved in production of quality male stock. An effective mechanism for providing disease free quality breeding bulls and quality semen for artificial insemination will be put in place. Breeding services would be provided at the farmers’ door.
  • For sheep breeding also an area specific approach shall be adopted for effecting qualitative and quantitative improvement in carpet and coarse wool and developing fine wool. Breeding of sheep and goats will aim at increasing body weight, reproductive efficiency and control of mortality, besides improvement in milk yield in goats. Main focus will be on selection of rams and bucks and their distribution with backup by suitable programs. In high altitude areas support for breeding of Yaks and mithuns shall continue. Breeding of rabbits for fur and broiler purpose shall be encouraged in suitable areas. Preservation and development of pack animals – horses, mules, donkeys and camels - shall also be considered.
  • The indigenous breeds of livestock and poultry are essentially the products of long term natural selection and are better adopted to withstand tropical diseases and perform under low and medium input. Many of these breeds may have useful genes for fast growth, prolificacy and small size. Such utility genes and breeds shall be identified, conserved and utilized. In recent time, international actions have been oriented towards conservation of animal genetic resources. India being a signatory to many such international agreements, the country will have specific policy focus on conservation of indigenous breeds of livestock and poultry. State will take up the responsibility of conserving such threatened breeds through appropriate programmes.
Last modified: Sunday, 1 April 2012, 9:02 AM