

  • It is used for moist heat sterilization of articles using high pressure steam. The articles are subjected to a temperature of 121C for 15 minutes. This temperature is achieved at 15 lbs pressure. There are two types of autoclave namely, horizontal and vertical.
  • The horizontal autoclave consists of a steam generation chamber (boiler) and a sterilization chamber. The materials to be sterilized are kept in the sterilization chamber and exposed to the steam generated from the boiler.
  • The vertical autoclave is similar to a domestic pressure cooker where steam is generated by heating water at the bottom over which the articles to be sterilized are kept.
  • Autocalves are used for sterilization of heat stable plastic items, rubber corks, surgical instruments. Media and solutions containing heat stable ingredients are sterilized in the autoclave.  

Horizontal autoclave

Vertical autoclave

Last modified: Saturday, 12 May 2012, 12:19 PM