Skin penetration


  • After mouth, skin is the most common route of entry for many parasites.
  • The infective stages of the parasite may actively penetrate the skin and in this process, the secretions of the parasite help to digest the host tissue (cercariae in schistosomes).

skin penetration

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  • Penetration of the host’s skin is the predominant route by which the infective larvae of hookworms enter their hosts, although they also enter through the mouth.

    skin penetration 

  • Certain parasites enter the hosts via the bite of an intermediate host serving as a vector. These parasites develop in blood sucking insects and ticks and when these vectors feed to obtain the blood and tissue fluids from hosts, the infective stages of the parasites are introduced into the host.

through bite

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Last modified: Tuesday, 19 June 2012, 5:44 AM