

  • The most common mode of transmission of parasites is through ingestion. The host may become infected by direct ingestion of an infective stage through contamination of food and water or by ingestion of an intermediate host or transport host containing infective stages.
Ingestion per os
Mode of infection through ingestion of parasite contaminated food

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  • For parasites with direct life cycles, the infective stages viz., egg containing the second larval stage (ascarids), cysts (Entamoeba and Giardia) and oocysts (coccidia) find their way into the feed and water of the host thereby gaining access to the host or the infective stages (third larval stage) may climb up the vegetations and wait for the host to ingest.
per osThrough ingestion of infective larvae in grass blades
  • For parasites with indirect life cycle, the host becomes infected by ingestion of an intermediate host or transport host containing infective stages.

Dog ingesting fly

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transmission through meatINGESTION OF MEAT

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Last modified: Tuesday, 19 June 2012, 5:43 AM