Reproductive system


Digenetic trematodes are hermaphrodite except the members of family Schistosomatidae.

Male reproductive system

  • In male, two testes are present, which may be spherical, lobed or divided into number of small bodies.
  • The vasa efferentia unite to form a vas deferens. The vas deferens widens distally to form vesiculum seminalis and ends in a cirrus or penis. Cirrus may be enclosed by cirrus sac.

Female reproductive system

  • Consists of ovary, which discharges the ova into the oviduct. Oviduct bears “receptaculum seminalis” and a narrow a canal (Laurers canal).
  • A pair of vitelline gland or vitellaria with number of follicles are placed laterally, which discharges into the yolk duct. Yolk duct joins with oviduct in a special widen portion – Ootype.
  • Ootype is surrounded by Mehlis (unicellular) gland. Mehlis and yolk gland collectively known as shell gland.
  • Eggs after leaving the ootype enter into the uterus. The uterus may be short or much convoluted and open through genital pore is situated anterio-ventral surface or posterio-lateral.
  • Genital pore is surrounded by sinus or atrium. In some species, the sinus or atrium develop into sucker known as genital sucker.
Last modified: Saturday, 14 April 2012, 6:18 AM