Hydatid cyst


  • 5 to 10 cm in diamter, unilobular and consists of two layers
    • Outer laminated membrane and
    • Inner germinal membrane.
  • From the germinal membrane, brood capsules develop in about 5 months after infection.
  • Each capsule contains a number of protoscolices.
  • Sometimes, the brood capsule detaches and float free in the hydatid fluid which is called as “hydatid sand”.
  • If the cyst is ruptured, the brood capsule and protoscolices produce “external daughter cysts”.
  • All cysts do not produce brood capsules and protoscolices. Cysts which does not have brood capsules and protoscolices are known as “sterile cysts”.
  • In sheep, 51% of cysts are sterile.
  • D/H acquires infection by ingestion of protoscolices along with infected meat.
  • In dog, the protoscolices penetrate between the villi and reach maturity in about 4 to 7 days.
  • Man can acquire infection by ingestion of eggs along with contaminated food or entry of protoscolices through cut wounds during slaughter.


Last modified: Monday, 16 April 2012, 5:28 AM