Striking features
The hard outer covering of arthropod is made of chitin, it forms the Exoskeleton which covers the external surface of the body
It passes through the mouth and lines the anterior part of the alimentary tract which is called Stomodaeum
It also goes through the anus into posterior part of alimentary canal which is called Proctodaeum
Exoskeleton is usually in the form of chitinous plates called Sclerites
The dorsal sclerite is called Tergum
Ventral sclerite is called Sternum
Lateral plate between tergum and sternum is called Pleuron
The tergum, sternum and pleuron of each segment are united by more flexible portions of exoskeleton which are termed sutures
As arthropods grow the exoskeleton will become too small for it, so it periodically casts off the exoskeleton and a new exoskeleton is formed
Casting off, of the exoskeleton is called Ecdysis or moulting
The exoskeleton is lined by wax layer which serves as waterproofing to protect arthropods from desiccation
The wax layer is covered by a cement layer whose function is to protect the vital wax layer
Function of exoskeleton
Acts as,
Protection to the internal organs
The first line of defence against extrinsic injuries
Limiting membrane or skin
For attachment of muscles
Gives rigidity to the body
Waterproofs the insect
Last modified: Friday, 23 September 2011, 4:07 AM