Alimentary /Digestive system
- Includes
- Anterior stomodaeum or foregut
- Mesenteron or midgut
- Porterior proctodaeum or hindgut
- Lined by chitinous exoskeleton.
Anterior part of alimentary canal may have pharynx, at times behind this, a dilatation -the crop or proventriculus is present which in some species is followed by a gizzard. The proventriculus acts as a valve to prevent regurgitation and may have "teeth" to aid in the disintegration of food particles (flea)
This leads to mesenteron or mid gut. It is flask shaped and its anterior narrow part is called cardia.
It is here that food is digested and absorbed.
The proctodaeum consists of an anterior ileum, colon, dilated rectum and anus. It opens out into exterior through anus. The main function of the hind gut is the absorption of water from the faeces and urine
Urine passes into the hindgut from the malpighian tubules, which open just behind the midgut.
Faeces are excreted as dry pellets and nitrogenous waste as uric acid.
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Last modified: Monday, 2 January 2012, 11:03 AM