Life cycle
Female fly hovers around the animal and oviposits on the distal half of the hair in the scalpular region and also around the fetlocks of the forelimb
The eggs are glued to the hair and hatch 5-10 days later only when the horse rubs and licks the area
The moisture and friction is essential for the hatching of the eggs
The first stage larvae penetrate the mucosa of the tongue and wander for a period of 28 days
They moult to the second stage and this stage passes down the pharynx, oesophagus and reach the cardiac end of the stomach where they attach themselves
They remain for 5 weeks after which they moult to the third stage mature larvae
The larvae remain in the non glandular portion of the stomach for a period of 10 months and the mature larvae is excreted in the faeces
Pupation is on the ground and one month later the adult flies emerge
Last modified: Wednesday, 30 June 2010, 8:41 AM