Effect on the host
Adult flies
Larval stages
The first stage larvae during its migration in the tongue can result in ulceration of the tongue
The second stage larvae may attach itself to the epiglottis, the pharynx and can cause injury to these regions by its oral hooks
Since the second and third stage larvae ultimately attach to the non glandular part of the stomach they do not seem to cause much damage
However there is a inflammatory reaction to the attached larvae and the stomach mucosa is thickened into a rim around the site of attachment
Debility is observed in animals with the infestation and is believed to be due to the toxicity of the excretions and secretions of the larvae
The third stage mature larvae is also capable of causing injury by its oral hooks and other spines to the rectal region when its passed out in the faeces
However, generally horses harbour these larvae without any sign of discomfort or disease
Last modified: Wednesday, 30 June 2010, 8:43 AM