Chick sexing room


  • Sexing room for day old chicks should be warm, well ventilated and must have some form of easily washable shelves to hold the chick boxes.
  • The sexing table must have metal, plastic, sun mica, or very hard wooden tops so that they can be efficiently cleaned and disinfected as often as necessary.
  • The container for the different sexes if reusable must be easy to keep clean and disinfected.
  • Each table must be equipped with a high powered overhead light which is adjustable for height.
  • Cleanliness is of vital importance in the operation of sexing and the sexing room must be provided with ample washing facilities so arranged that each sexer can, without undue waste of time, wash between each batch of chicks, and as often as necessary.
Last modified: Sunday, 3 June 2012, 7:29 AM