Hatchery equipment


  • The incubator used for ratites is similar to the one used for other species of poultry. However, the trays should be in such a way to hold the larger ostrich egg weighing around 1.25 kg or emu egg with 0.5 kg.
  • The other important factor to be considered is the humidity inside the incubator.
  • Other species of poultry need 55 to 70 % relative humidity, whereas, ratite eggs, more specifically ostrich eggs require 30 to 40 %. This cannot be achieved in normal conditions as the RH in the atmosphere itself is more than this. Therefore, a dehumidifier is necessary to achieve RH lower than the atmospheric RH.
  • Prior to incubation also the eggs are to be stored at a low RH of 30 to 40 %. Low humidity is necessary for optimum moisture loss from the hatching so that the eggs hatched out will be health and not oedematous.
  • Other important equipments needed in the hatchery are fumigation cabinet, candler, chick trays suitable for large ratite chicks etc.


Fig. 25. 7. Incubators used in hatching of ratite eggs


Fig. 25. 8. Egg sanitation,storage and humidity and temperature control devices


Fig. 25. 9. Egg setter, hatcher and chick trays


Fig. 25. 10. Ostrich egg candler

Last modified: Tuesday, 8 May 2012, 4:29 AM