

Preparation of Staphylococci

  1. Cultivate Staph.aureus ( Cowan-1 strain ) in tryptic soy broth overnight.
  2. Add 5 ml of broth containing the bacteria to each 1 litre Roux flask containing 125 ml of tryptic soy agar.
  3. Incubate at 37 C for 24 hours.
  4. Harvest the growth with PBS.
  5. Wash the growth for three times in PBS.
  6. Prepare 10% suspension of cells and add 0.5% formalin.
  7. Allow to stand at room temperature for three hours with occasional agitation.
  8. Wash the cells for three times in PBS.
  9. Make 10% cell suspension in PBS and store at 4 C until used.
  10. Add 1 ml of 10% cell suspension to 0.1 ml of 1:5 dilution of antiserum (anti choleragen).
  11. Incubate for 1 hour at room temperature with occasional agitation.
  12. Add 4 ml of PBS and centrifuge the mixture.
  13. Dilute the sensitized cells to a final working suspension of 2% in PBS and store at 4 C .
Last modified: Tuesday, 17 April 2012, 10:29 AM