Deferred grazing
This system is applicable where perennial grasses are predominant . It involves allowing seed formation and seed maturity in part of the pasture by delaying grazing there. This gives chance for the perennial grass to make food growth and accumulate there. This gives chance for the perennial grass to make good growth and accumulate sufficient nutrients in reserve to maintain its vigour and produce new shoots from the seeds next year.
The grassland is divided into three compartments. One compartment is earmarked for seeding and the other two are subjected to grazing alternately. Grazing is allowed in the ‘seeeded’ compartment at an apparopriate stage when the seeds are mature and the plants are not too old and unpalatable.
Grazing at this stage helps in broadcasting of seeds also. Grazing in the other two compartments ensures tender forage while alternating the plots gives a chance for the grasses to recoup. One plot out of the three is left for seeding yearly in rotation so that in a period of three years, each segment gets a period of recuperation and rest.
Last modified: Tuesday, 10 April 2012, 11:28 AM