Floor of the mouth
- The floor of the mouth is free only in its cranial part and is formed by the body of the mandible covered by mucous membrane
- The attached portion of the tongue occupies the reminder of the floor. By drawing the tongue aside, the following structures may be noticed
About opposite to the corner tooth or slightly behind its level are papillae - the caruncula sublingualis or barb through which the ducts of the mandibular and ventral part of sublingual salivary glands open into the mouth
The papilla is wide, hard and serrated. Just behind these papillae is a median fold of mucous membrane passing to ventral face of the tongue -the fraenum linguae
A linear series of horny papillae are seen on the floor on either side of the fraenum linguae near which the ducts of the dorsal part of the sublingual salivary gland open
Behind the last tooth a vertical fold of mucous membrane passes from the upper to the lower jaw, the plica pterygomandibularis that contains a ligament of the same name
Species difference
Sheep and goat
The caruncula sublingualis is opposite the canine tooth and on it opens the mandibular duct
From either side of the fraenum linguae and extending backward to the level of the lower 4th cheek tooth is a mucous fold - the sublingual fold, which covers the gland of the same name and presents numerous small papillae through which the ducts open
The linear series of papillae on the floor is absent
The frenulum linguae are double
There is a well–marked glosso-epiglottic fold, on either side of which is a depression
Last modified: Friday, 20 April 2012, 8:54 AM