Sublingual salivary gland
Ox (View image)
The sublingual salivary gland lies beneath the mucous membrane of the floor of the mouth between the tongue and the horizontal ramus of the mandible
It consists of two parts dorsal and ventral. The dorsal part extends from the cranial pillar of soft palate to the symphysis of the mandible
It is long, thin and pale yellow in colour. The ventral part is shorter but thicker and lies ventral to the cranial portion of the dorsal part
It is salmon pink in colour.The whole gland is compressed laterally
The external surface is related to the mylo-hyoideus muscle and the internal surface to the genioglossus, mandibular duct and branches of lingual nerve
The ventral border is related to the geniohyoid muscle. The dorsal border is under the mucous membrane of the floor of the mouth
The dorsal part of the gland has several ducts, which are very tortuous and open between the papillae on the floor of the mouth
The ventral part has a single duct, which opens either side on the caruncula sublingualis or joins the dorsal part of the Wharton’s duct
Species difference
Sheep and Goat
The gland extends from the mandibular symphysis to the fourth or fifth lower cheek tooth
It weighs about 15 to 16 gms
The ducts are numerous and open on small papillae on the sublingual fold
The dorsal part is related to the mandibular gland and its duct
The ventral part is much larger than dorsal part
All or most of the ducts from the dorsal part unite to form the ductus sublingualis major, which open near the mandibular duct
From the ventral part 8 or 10 ductus sublingualis minores convey the secretion through the floor of the mouth
Dog (View image)/font>
It is pink in colour and made up of the dorsal and ventral parts
The dorsal is in intimate relation with the mandibular gland. Its duct accompanies the mandibular duct and opens along side or joins it
The ventral part is long and narrow and has numerous ducts, which open into the mouth directly while others join the large duct
The dog has another gland-the zygomatic gland. It is situated at the cranial part of the pterygo -palatine fossa. Superficially it is related to the zygomatic arch
It has four or five ducts which opens near the last upper cheek tooth
A small gland cranial to the submandibular gland and medial to the mandible. Thus gland is often confused with oval lymph nodes
The infra orbital gland lies below the eye medial to the angle of jaw and its ducts open near the upper molars
Last modified: Friday, 20 April 2012, 9:23 AM