Tunica vaginalis


  • Tunica vaginalis is an evagination of parietal peritoneum passing through the inguinal canal into the scrotum
  • When fully developed, it has the shape of a flask with narrow proximal part and a distended distal part
  • The proximal part contains the spermatic cord and the distal part has the testis and epididymis. Like the peritoneum, tunica vaginalis also consists of two layers - parietal and visceral
  • The parietal layer lines the scrotum and inguinal canal and is continuous with the parietal layer of peritoneum at the abdominal inguinal ring
  • The visceral layer lines the spermatic cord, testicle and epididymis
  • The space between the parietal and visceral layers of the tunica vaginalis, which is a capillary space, contains a small quantity of serous fluid
  • This cavity is continuous with the general peritoneal cavity at the abdominal inguinal ring
Last modified: Friday, 16 July 2010, 10:12 AM