Inguinal canal



  • Anterior wall is formed by posterior part of internal obliqus muscle. Posterolateral wall is formed by portion of aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle
  • Internal inguinal ring is formed by free borders of the internal obliqus muscle anteriorly and upper border of the inguinal ligament posteriorly
  • External inguinal ring is in the aponeurosis of the external obliqus muscle of the abdomen

Structures that pass through the canal

  • External pudic artery and vein, inguinal nerves and lymph vessels
  • Additional structures in male : Spermatic cord consisting of internal spermatic artery, vein, nerve (anterior part) and vas deferens (posterior part), cremaster externus muscle and tunica vaginalis

Clinical importance

  • Inguinal hernia is often seen in some animals wherein intestines herniated through inguinal canal
Last modified: Saturday, 21 April 2012, 8:27 AM