Structure, Properties and Utilities of Hides and Skins


Structure of hide

  • Epidermis
    • This is the outer layer of the hide, consisting of an outer-pigmented surface and tubular invaginations of hair follicles.
  • Corium or dermis
    • This layer has Elastin, reticulum and collagenous fibres.
    • The inner portion of corium is interwoven with bundles of collagen. It is this part, which makes up the leather.
  • Subcutis
    • This is a loose membrane network and contains fatty deposits.

Properties and utilities of leather

  • It has an excellent flexibility due to high tensile strength over a wide range of temperature and moisture.
  • It has high tear and is puncture resistance due to in-built fibrous network.
  • It has the ability to breath, which provides coolness in hot weather and insulation in cold weather.
  • It has the moulding ability.
Last modified: Friday, 17 September 2010, 4:45 AM