

  • Colour of bristles is one of its special characteristics. On the basis of colour, bristles are classed as white, black or grey.
  • It may be noted that all those bristles, which are neither wholly black nor white, are also classified as grey.
  • White colour bristles are available only in Western Uttar Pradesh and Punjab.
  • Grey is the predominant colour of Indian bristles.
  • The length of bristles is another special characteristic. Longer bristles fetch more prices.
  • The thickness also increases with length in a particular quality. Thus longer bristles are stiffer as well.
  • Bristles less than 44 mm length are called shorts and riflings, whereas those from 44 mm to 159 mm and above are put in as many as 19 grade designations as per Bristle Grading and Marketing (Amendment) Rules, 1973.
  • Due to tropical conditions, Indian bristles generally vary in length from 57 mm to 159 mm.
  • Bristles obtained from wild boars in Punjab and Madhya Pradesh are of good length.
  • Superior quality black bristles called Darjeeling bristles are obtained from wild boars frequenting foothills of Himalayas. These bristles are similar to Chinese variety except for more flag.
  • Darjeeling is the main market for such bristles.
Last modified: Friday, 17 September 2010, 6:44 AM