Suggested Reading


  • BIS. (1967) Basic requirements for an abattoir. Indian Standards. IS: 4393-1967.
  • BIS. (1971) Code of practice for ante mortem and postmortem inspection of meat animals. 1st revision. Indian Standards. IS: 1982:1971.
  • Chatterjee , AK (1981). Need for modernization of slaughterhouses in country and prospects of animal byproducts industries. Subject matter training cum-discussion seminar on ‘Carcass and animal byproducts utilization’ at IVRI, Izatnagar. October 15-22, 1981.
  • Forrest J, and Hedrick, HB (1994) Principles of meat sciences. WH Freeman and CO., San Francisco.
  • Gerrad, F. (1991) Meat technology. 3rd edn. Leonard Hill, London, UK.
  • Gracey, JF and Collins, DS. (1994) Meat hygiene. 9th edn. ELBS with Baillere, Tindal, London.
  • Gregory, NG (1988) Animal welfare and meat science. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK.
  • Lawrie, A. (1985) Meat science. 4th edn. Pergamon Press, Oxford, UK.
  • Levie, A. (1979) Meat handbook. 4th edn. AVI Publishing Co., Westport, USA.
  • Libby, AJ. (1975) Meat hygiene, 4th edn. Llea and Febiger, Philadelphia.
  • Mann, I. (1962) Animal byproducts processing and utilization. Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), Rome.
  • Ockermann HW and Hansen CL. (1988) Animal byproducts processing. Ellis Horwood Ltd., Chichester, England.
  • Price JF and Schweigert BS. (1971) The Science of meat and meat products. WH Freeman and Co., San Francisco, USA.
  • Wilson , A (1985) Practical meat inspection. Blackwell Scientific Publication, London.
Last modified: Monday, 17 October 2011, 10:37 AM