Custody of poisons


Some of the substances used in pharmacy including certain drugs are poisonous in nature. If they are not handled carefully, they are likely to cause serious hazards. Hence the custody and handling of these items should be given utmost care in the pharmacy. Necessary precautions have to be taken as follows:

  1. All prescriptions should be read carefully and checked for any poisonous item or a controlled drug.
  2. The drug label has to checked to ensure proper identification of poisonous drugs.
  3. The containers or bottle containing poisonous substances should be clearly written, duly labeled as poison and should be of such a size, color and shape that they are easily distinguished. The container should be leak proof and impervious to the poison.
  4. The poisonous substances should always be kept under lock and key. Duly qualified and authorized person alone should have access to them.
  5. The toxic substance should be weighed accurately with no room for doubts regarding the identification and the accuracy of weighing.
  6. Extreme cleanliness should be maintained as even slightest traces can cause accidental poisoning.
  7. No chemical should be tasted or inhaled.
  8. To discard a poison, it should be flushed directly into the toilet or down the drain.
  9. While dispensing drugs containing toxic or hazardous ingredients, the number of doses as given in the prescription should be strictly adhered to.
  10. The supply of any poisonous substances should be recorded in a register maintained specially for the purpose the serial number of the entry entered in the prescription. The signature of the authorized person must also find a place along with the entry.
  11. Schedule E of the Drugs and Cosmetics act, 1945 mentions the list of poisonous substances for which special restrictions apply with regard to their supply, sale and prescription. All the provisions in this schedule are to be strictly followed.
Last modified: Saturday, 28 April 2012, 8:06 AM