Need for extension


  • The need is obvious especially for the rural economy, with its major components of agriculture and animal husbandry, to keep pace with the brisk changes in characteristics of modern times.
  • In other words, the rural people should know and adopt useful research findings from time to time, and also transmit their problems to the research workers for solution.
  • The researchers neither have the time nor are they employed for the job of persuading the villagers to adopt scientific methods and to ascertain from them the rural problems.
  • On the other hand, it is impracticable for millions of farmers to visit research stations and learn things by themselves. Thus an agency is required to bridge the gulf between the research workers and the people to play the dual role of interpreting the results of research to the farmers as well as of conveying the farmers’ problems to the to the research stations for solution. This agency is termed as ‘ Extension ’, and the personnel manning this agency or organization are called ‘Extension Workers’.
  • To equip the prospective extension workers for their job, it is necessary for them to train adequately in the formal ‘teaching institutions’.

Last modified: Thursday, 30 September 2010, 9:13 AM