Objectives of extension


  • The basic aim is to influence the attitudes, ways of thinking and doing things. The objectives of extension education are the expressions of the ends towards which our efforts are directed. In other words, an objective means a direction of movement.Before starting any programme, its objectives must be clearly stated, so that one knows where to go & what is to be achieved.
  • It can be said that the objective of extension education is to bring desirable changes in the quality of life of target group which it serves by helping them to change their attitude, knowledge, skill and resources (both natural and man made) like land, pasture, water, livestock, equipment etc in a right way.The ultimate objective of livestock extension education is development of livestock farmers by improving their living standards. This could be done by
  • Bringing about a desirable changes in the knowledge, attitude and skill
  • Assisting livestock farmers to realize their needs and problems.
  • Developing rural leadership, mobilizing people and their resources.
  • Providing knowledge about recent technologies and their application.
Last modified: Monday, 30 April 2012, 11:58 AM