

  • In India veterinarian has to play a dual role of a doctor as well as an extension worker or livestock advisor. It is not possible for a veterinarian to contact each and every farmer in a village. To disseminate improved technologies to a large number of farmers he needs some intermediaries, who know the farmers well. In every society there are some people within groups who make decisions on behalf of others, who can influence others in the group and they are commonly designated as leaders.
  • Leader is a person who effectively influences a group to co-operate in setting and achieving goals. Leadership is an activity in which effort is made to influence people to co-operate in achieving a goal. In other words leadership is the ability to get people work willingly by influence or by setting example. It is a social process, which initiates action for and with followers.
    • Example: The best example in living memory is Mahatma Gandhi.
  • Leadership is the process of influencing people to direct their efforts toward the attainment of particular goal(s). The success of a leader depends upon his ability to work with people and to get things done through people. This involves the use of effective communication skills. To be effective, the leader must have the ability to convey meanings to his people.

The Leader

  • The Leader’s job is to build an environment in which team work can be achieved. It is his responsibility to create and maintain credibility with the work group. The four factors which influence his efforts are:
    1. Drive: The physical and mental effort expended by the leader. Individuals who have a great deal of drive were found to have more influence with their peers and work group.
    2. Dependability: The reliance people can place in the leader’s word. A highly dependable leader istrusted by his subordinates.
    3. Competence: The ability of the leader to get a job doneeffectively and efficiently.
    4. Credibility: The degree to which a leader isbelievable. It is an important assetwhich is directly affected by the perception people have of the individual’shonesty, discretion and ability.

Types of Leaders

  • Leaders can be classified into different categories based on various criteria. Some of these are
    • Democratic leader, Autocratic leader and Laissez Faire
    • Formal leader and Informal leader
    • Professional leader and Lay leader
    • Operational leader, Popularity leader and Prominent leader
    • Elected leader, Selected leader and Nominated leader
    • Political leader, Religious leader, Social leader, Academic leader, Business leader, Recreation leader, etc
    • Formal leader: may be a local person who holds some kind of official post within the bureaucratic and administrative structure.
      • Example: Panchayat president, Elected president and governing body members of Milk cooperative society, Head of institutions, etc.
    • Informal leader: are farmers who are not holding any particular position in any organization. They are prominent in their area, who show the qualities and abilities to influence others. These leaders will be very useful in planning and implementing the extension programmes as they have influence over the people of his/her group.
Last modified: Friday, 4 May 2012, 5:57 AM