Identification of local leaders


  • Local leader (Lay leader / informal leader / prominent leader / opinion leader / natural leader / key communicator) can be selected by following methods.


  • This method is very useful to the extension worker in finding out the ‘local-informal’ leader in the villages, who are the influential persons that help in the introduction and popularization of new improved practices in their communities.
  • An extension worker goes into a given area and asks the farmers to indicate whom they ordinarily consult for advice on say dairy farming. Usually, after a few interviews it becomes clear which farmer is the influential person or natural leader.


Some other methods are

  • Group observer method.
  • Discussion method.
  • Election method.
  • Workshop method.
  • Key informant technique.
  • Self-designating technique.

Detailed discussion of the above methods are given in Lesson 23

Working with local leader

  • The extension worker should ensure that the trained persons are actually used for augmenting extension work. For this purpose there should be regular follow up by the extension worker by way of frequent contacts in person as well as by correspondence with the trained-leader. Local leaders are not only to adopt improved practices in their own farm and home but also they should consciously try to influence others to adopt the practices.
  • The extension worker’s own relationship with local leaders will be more important and he should always try to be available to support and encourage their work. There are four main aspects of working with local leaders, which the agent should keep in mind.
    • Inform the local leader(s) about his extension activities.
    • Visit the places of extension work.
    • Train the local leader as they need.
    • Encourage them to adopt new practices.

Last modified: Friday, 4 May 2012, 6:01 AM