Flip Charts


  • Charts are visual symbols for summarizing comparing and contrasting in explaining subject matter. In other words they are diagrammatic presentations of facts / ideas.
  • Flip charts consist of a series of individual charts, tacked or bound together and hanged on a supporting hand. These individual charts carry a series of related messages in sequences.


  • To show a proper sequence and relationship.
  • To show / compare changes.
  • To communicate difficult, often dull subject matter in an interesting and effective way.


  • Teaching with symbols sustains interest among learners.

Materials required

  • Subject matter, plain charts, pencils, erasers and different colouring materials.


  • To study the data thoroughly before actually preparing chart.
  • Be clear about the concept to be developed and the information to be depicted.
  • Develop each chart with only one idea.
  • Maintain logical order.

Points to be considered while preparation

  • Charts should be bold and simple lettered.
  • Titles and words in charts should be brief.
  • Design may be simple.
  • Chart should be colourful. Better not more than three colours.
  • It must be large enough to be seen.
  • Legends and codes should be smaller. All labels should be horizontal.


  • Used to present information in an interesting and understandable manner.
  • Easy to prepare.
  • By using chart, we can communicate even dull subject matter in an interesting way.


  • Improper display of charts creates more confusion than learning.
Last modified: Tuesday, 13 December 2011, 6:19 PM