

  • The vegetative bacilli are destroyed at 60°C in 30mts.
  • In the carcases of animals, the bacilli remain viable in the bone marrow for a week and in the skin for two weeks.
  • Normal heat fixation of smears may not kill the bacilli in blood film.
  • The spores are highly resistant to drying, heat, cold and disinfectants. Spores remain viable for many years in soil, water and animal hides and products.
  • Spores have been isolated from naturally infected soil as long as 60years.
  • They resists dry heat at 140°C for 2-3hrs and boiling for 10mts.
  • They survive in 5% phenol for weeks. Spores can be killed at 120°C for 10min and 4% KMnO4 treatment for 15mts.
  • Destruction of the spores in animal products is achieved by HCHO.
  • Treat 2% solution of HCHO at 39-40°C for 20mts for disinfection of wool and as 0.25% at 60°C for 6 hrs for animal hair and bristles. This process is called as duckering.
  • The anthrax bacillus is susceptible to sulphonamides, penicillin, erythromycin, streptomycin, tetracycline and chloramphenicol.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 4:19 AM