


  • Nocardia are aerobic and essentially saprophytic.
  • They cause suppurative and pyogranulomatous reactions in immunocompromised hosts or animals that have been exposed to large doses of the bacterium.
  • The pathogenic Nocardia survive within phagocytic vacuoles by preventing phagolysosome formation.
  • This is probably due to the surface lipids as Nocardia species have a cell wall similar to the mycobacteria.
  • Other cell wall lipids may provoke the characteristic granulomatous reaction.
  • Exudates are sanguinopurulent and can sometimes contain soft granules consisting of bacteria, neutrophils and debris.
  • They lack the microstructure of the sulphur granules produced by some of the Actinomyces species.
  • Diseases caused by the pathogenic Nocardia are

Host (s)
Nocardia asteroides
Nocardia farcinica
Dogs/ Cats
Localised cutaneous granulomatous abscesses nocardiosis
Pyothorax and granulomas in the thoracic cavity
Chronic granulomatous mastitis
Bovine farcy in tropical regions


Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 5:06 AM