

  • Leptospires are actively motile, helically shaped, slender spirochaetes possessing large number of light and fine spirals.
  • They are 0.2 –0.3 µm in d.m. and 6-20 µm in length. Characteristically, Leptospira have hooked ends and two periplasmic flagella (PF), also known as axial filament and endoflagella.
  • Rotation of the PF results in the distinct spinning mobility of Leptospira.
  • They stain weakly or not at all with both aniline and Romanowsky stains. They may be stained with giemsa stain.
  • But they can be best viewed under dark field illumination microscope and can be stained by silver impregnation technique of Fontana. Leptospira divide by binary fission
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 5:41 AM