

Symptoms and lesions

  • Leptospirosis can occur as
    • Acute severe disease (Septicaemia with endotoxaemia such as haemorrhages, hepatitis, nephritis and meningitis)
    • Subacute moderately severe disease (nephritis, agalactiae, hepatitis and meningitis)
    • Chronic disease (iridocyclitis, abortion, still birth, infertility)
    • Subclinical form (recognize only by the development of antibody)
    • Symptoms include fever, severe muscle pain, haemoglobinuria, jaundice, anemia, anuria, meningeal signs, gastro intestinal signs, skin rashes and photophobia.
    • Cattle: Acute form characterized with marked drop in milk production associated with pyrexia in chronic form- abortion, still birth or premature calves.
    • Pigs: Haemoglobinuria and jaundice in piglets, abortion in the last 3rd of pregnancy and stillbirth.
    • Dogs: The acute form of leptospirosis is known as Stuttgart disease.
    • It is characterized by fever, haemorrhage, anemia and jaundice.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 5:42 AM