Genus Bacillus consists of a large number of Gram positive, aerobic, spore forming bacilli.
They are fairly large sized organisms. When grown on blood agar, Bacillus produces large, spreading, gray-white colonies with irregular margins.
A unique characteristic of this bacterium is its ability to produce endospores when environmental conditions are stressful.
The only other known spore-producing bacterium is Clostridium (anaerobic).
Although most species of Bacillus are harmless saprophytes, two species are considered medically significant: B.anthracis and B. cereus.
Bacillus anthracis is the only important pathogen of animals and human in this genus.
In man Bacillus anthracis causes malignant pustules and wool sorter’s disease (Pneumoniae).
In animals, it causes Anthrax. It is transmitted to humans via direct contact with animal products or inhalation of endospores
Under the microscope, B. anthracis cells appear to have square ends and seem to be attached by a joint to other cells.
The spores are best observed when the bacterium is cultured on artificial media.
The infection is classified as one of three types:
CUTANEOUS INFECTION (95% of human cases)
Anthrax can be treated with penicillin or tetracycline.
A vaccine is available but is only used on individuals at high risk.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 6:18 AM