Method of application of animal manure


  • The animal manure is applied either fresh/untreated or after composting it in pits for some time. Use of fresh, untreated animal wastes to fish ponds which is widely followed gives high yields but excessive amounts can cause fish kills due to oxygen depletion in the water. Animal wastes delivered to fish ponds undergo decomposition through microbial action and this process uses dissolved oxygen (DO), creating a Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) in the pond water

Advantages of the recycling animal manure for fish production

  • It helps to solve the waste management problem
  • It helps to control the pollution problem associated with livestock (in the form of fly and odour).
  • It reduces operating costs and maximize the farmer's income.
  • It helps to convert the animal waste to useful fish protein.

Various types of integrated fish farming practices that are helpful in recycling the wastes are detailed

Last modified: Friday, 16 September 2011, 5:32 AM