Fishing vessel


Fishing craft/Fishing vessel

The term fishing vessels denotes mobile floating objects of any kind, size operating in fresh water, brackish water and marine areas and used for catching, transporting, landing, preserving and/or processing of fish, shell fish and other aquatic animals (excluding whales), residues and plants.

The fishing vessels can be classified on the basis of different criteria like depth of operation, materials used in the construction duration of voyage, size of vessel, , type of propelling system and in accordance with the actual operations etc.,


Based on the depth of operation

  • Inshore vessels - vessels operating up to 10 fathoms depth
  • Offshore vessels- vessels operating in the depth range of 10-40 fathoms.
  • Deep-sea vessels -vessels operating beyond 40 fathoms depth

Based on the construction of hull

  • Decked boats
  • Open boats
  • Half- decked boats

Based on the materials used in the construction

  • Wooden
  • Steel
  • Fibre glass
  • Ferrocement
  • Aluminium
  • Composite

Based on the propelling system

  • With oars
  • With sail
  • Engine driven
  • Intermediate

Based on the type of water in which operated

  • Fresh water fishing vessels- vessels mainly operated in inland waters.
  • Seawater fishing vessels- vessels mainly operated in sea.

Based on the area of operation of the vessel

  • Large vessels- those operating principally in open seas.
  • Medium vessels- those operating in the EEZ marine areas.
  • Small vessels- predominantly used in coastal and sheltered marine and brackish waters.

Based on their functions

Trawlers are vessels which use trawl as fishing gear. Various types of trawlers are

  • Side trawler: trawler in which the trawl is set over the side and the warps pass through blocks hanging from two gallons, one forward and one aft.
  • Stern trawler: in a stern trawler, the gear is set and hauled over the stern. The warps are led from the trawl winch through various lead blocks over to the stern.
  • Wet-fish trawler: the fish is kept in the hold in the fresh/wet condition in a wet fish trawler.
  • Freezer trawler: a trawler which is equipped with refrigerating plant and freezing equipment and in which fish is preserved by freezing.
  • Factory trawler: a trawler equipped with processing plant including mechanical gutting and filleting equipment with freeing installation, fish oil, fish-meals and sometimes canning plants. The number of crew in such a vessel is large.
  • Outrigger trawler: these make use of outrigger booms to tow the gear.

Seines are vessels using surrounding gear and seine nets.

Last modified: Monday, 14 May 2012, 11:24 AM