Electrophoretic methods


  • The various electrophoretic methods include
    • Agar gel electrophoresis
    • Starch gel electrophoresis
    • Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
    • Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
    • Iso-electric focussing
  • Agar gel electrophoresis
    • Electrophoretic separation of proteins on the basis of mobility of proteins in a supporting gel of agarose at a constant pH and electrical field is termed as Agar gel electrophoresis.
  • Counter Immuno Electrophoresis (CIE)
    • The principle of this technique is very similar to agar gel immunodiffusion.
    • The diffusion of antigen and antibody is facilitated by the application of a low voltage current. Further, the endosmosis created by the agar gel changes the charge of g -globulins and moves them towards cathode.
    • The meat proteins moving towards anode provide immunoprecipitate with homologous g -globulin at the point of equivalence.
  • Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE)
    • Polyacrylamide gels are prepared using acrylamide and bis which provides cross linking between the polymerized long chains of acrylamide.
    • The separation of proteins on the basis of their mobility in a polyacrylamide gel is comparatively better since the resolution of different proteins are optimum. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis also requires a constant pH and electrical field to provide high resolution of protein.
  • Iso-electric focussing (IEF)
    • It is an electrophoretic technique which utilizes the charge at the surface of the protein to drive it through a gradient gel.
    • The pH gradient is setup by polyacrylamide compounds, the ampholytes.
    • The proteins applied on to the gel reach a point where the surface charges becomes neutral at their iso electric point

Isoelectric focussing unit

Last modified: Saturday, 24 December 2011, 5:13 AM