

  • Aberle, Forest, Gerrard, Mills, Hedrick, Judge and Merkel. 2001. Principles of Meat Science. 4th Edition. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company
  • Lawrie and Ledward. 2006. Meat Science. 7th Edition. Woodhead Publishing Company.
  • Gracey, Collins and Huey. 1999. Meat Hygiene. 10th Edition. W.B.Saunders Company.
  • Romans , Costello , Carlson , Greaser and Jones , 2000 The Meat We Eat. 14th Edition. Prentice Hall.
  • Hui, Nip, Rogers and Young. 2001 Meat Science and Applications. Marcel Dekker Inc.
  • Varnam and Sutherland. 2002. Meat and Meat Products- Technology, Chemistry and Microbiology. Chapman and Hall.
  • Ranken. 2000. Handbook of Meat Products Technology. Blackwell
Last modified: Thursday, 7 April 2011, 12:23 PM