Axonal conduction


  • This refers to passage of impulse along a nerve fiber. Click to view the animation...
  • It is dependent on selective changes in the permeability of the axonal membrane to the electrolytes.
  • At rest the membrane potential is approximately - 85 mV in the axons.
  • Electro negativity of the resting membrane potential is due to leaking of potassium ions against the concentration gradient from intracellular to extracellular.  
  • An action potential reflects a reversal of the polarization state present at rest and is the result of permeability changes that occur at the axonal surface as an impulse is propagated along a nerve fiber.
  • A supra threshold stimulus initiates a localized change in the permeability of the axonal membrane. Suddenly, permeability of the fiber to Na+ is greatly increased in relation to K+.  Na+ moves inward in the direction of its large electrochemical gradient.
  • The positively charged Na+ increases in concentration within the axon, the membrane potential moves from -85 mV towards zero and then overshoots to the extent that momentarily the inside of the fiber is positive in relation to the exterior of the cell.
  • Repolarisation of the membrane occurs rapidly as the selective permeability characteristics of the axonal membrane are quickly re-established.
  • The axon once again becomes relatively impermeable to Na+ and relatively more permeable to K+ and the negativity of the interior is quickly re-established.
  • Though the changes associated with an action potential are extremely short lived, they elicit similar alterations in membrane function in immediately adjacent quiescent areas of the axon.
  • Thus the action potential is self propagating and in this manner an action potential is conducted along the axonal fiber. Click to view the animation...
  • The axonal membrane is refractory for a brief interval after the passage of an action potential, thereby preventing antidromic and excess impulse traffic.
  • Axonal conduction is insensitive to most drugs.

Last modified: Tuesday, 15 May 2012, 5:03 AM