Difference between catecholamines and non catecholamines



Non catecholamines

Contain hydroxyl groups at position 3 and 4 on the benzene ring

Lack one or both hydroxyl groups on benzene ring

Mainly have direct action. Few compounds may have mixed action (like dopamine)

Mainly have indirect or mixed actions and few may have direct action (like phenylephrine)

Have high affinity for α and/or β receptors

Have moderate to poor affinity for adrenoceptors

Usually have shorter half life because of their rapid metabolism

Have moderate to longer half life as these are degraded slowly

Metabolised mainly by MAO or COMT

Poor substrates for MAO and resistant to COMT

Usually not effective by oral route and are given parenterally

Most of the drugs are effective orally

Being polar drugs, poorly penetrate the CNS and hence have minimal effect on CNS

Easily pass blood brain barrier and produce significant CNS effects

Effects are produced even after adrenergic denervation

Loose activity following adrenergic denervation

No development of tolerance

Tolerance develops following repeated administration

Last modified: Tuesday, 15 May 2012, 6:06 AM