Side effects and toxicity


  • Side effects are mild but common.
  • Tolerance develops to repeated dose.
  • Sedation, diminished alertness and concentration are observed. Light headedness, motor in co-ordination, fatigue and tendency to fall asleep, loss of appetite, nausea, epigastric disturbance, psychomotor disturbance, dryness of mouth, alteration in bowel movements, urinary hesitancy and blurred vision are some side effects observed.
  • Local application may cause contact dermatitis. Some agents are teratogenic.
  • In acute overdosage excitation, tremors, convulsions, flushing, hypotension, fever and death due to respiratory and cardiovascular failure are noticed.
  • Terfenadine and Astimizole were found to cause cardiac arrhythmias (even banned in some countries)
Last modified: Thursday, 19 May 2011, 6:46 PM