Other intravenous anaesthetics


Saffan (Althesin) (9 mg alphaxolone + 3 mg alphadolone) both steroids

  • High therapeutic index with wide margin of safety
  • Good muscle relaxation
  • Mild cardiovascular and Respiratory depression
  • Can be given both by intravenous or intramuscular
  • (5-6 mg /kg)
  • No irritation on escape into subcutaneous sites
  • Contraindicated in dogs – due to histamine release by the vehicle

Chloral hydrate

  • Volatilizing crystalline substance
  • Reduced to 2,2,2-trichloroethanol – which is the narcotic agent
  • Hypnotic agent
  • Slow onset –difficult to assess the depth of anaesthesia
  • Perivascular escape severe reaction
  • Used in Large Animals –sometimes with barbiturates
  • 12% Chloral hydrate + 6% MgSO4 intravenous in Large Animals for anaesthesia
  • Has low margin of safety
  • Not used now a days - since better agents are available


  • Glucose + chloral hydrate
  • Long shallow depth and slow recovery
  • Not used

UrethaneCarcinogenic and discontinued


  • Non Barbiturate intravenous anaesthetic – imidazole product
  • Developed as hypnotic in pigs
  • Poor analgesia but strong muscle relaxation
  • Remarkable stability of the CVS
  • Used for restraint of birds apart from pigs

Etomidate : (hypnomidate)

  • Low CVS toxicity
  • Release histamine but in general low respiratory depression
  • Suppresses adrenocortical function
  • Expensive and not popular
Last modified: Sunday, 27 November 2011, 9:35 AM