

  • The rota rod apparatus is switched on and the rod is allowed to rotate at a set speed (20-25 rpm). The time is set to zero. Two mice are taken at a time, weighed, sex noted and are placed on the rotating rod. The time at which these animals are placed on the rod is recorded and the time at which the animal falls down (fall of time) is recorded. The difference in this is considered as the normal reaction time.
  • Now, each mouse is injected with injection Diazepam at a rate of 2mg/kg i.p and 30 minutes after the injection the animals are placed on the rod once again. The timings are noted down as before and the reaction time is calculated. The fall off time of animals before and after treatment with diazepam is compared.


  • Diazepam has muscle relaxant effect as indicated by decrease in the fall off time due to loss of muscle grip in treatment animals after its administration.

Last modified: Saturday, 4 September 2010, 9:03 AM