

  • Animal: Rat
  • Apparatus required: Glass jar/glass funnel, cotton
  • Drug: Anaeshtetic ether


  • The rats are weighed, numbered and the sex of the animal noted. Respiratory rate and heart rate are recorded. A small piece of cotton is soaked in anaesthetic ether and put inside the jar/funnel. After ensuring that the jar is filled with anaesthetic vapour, one of the rats is dropped into the jar/funnel and the time is noted (A).
  • The animal is observed and its respiratory and the heart rate are recorded. When the animal goes into its lateral recumbency it is removed from the jar /funnel. The time the animal goes to its lateral recumbency is recorded as (B).
  • After placing the animal on the table the corneal and pedal reflexes are checked at regular intervals. The time when the animal loses its pedal reflex is recorded as (C). The heart rate and respiratory rate are also recorded during the period.
  • The pedal reflex is gained thereafter and the time at which the animal regains its pedal reflex is recorded as (D).
  • The animal is observed for regaining of sternal recumbency and the time when the animal regains its sternal recmbency is recorded as (E).

Last modified: Tuesday, 15 May 2012, 11:28 AM