- Introduction, definition, scope and importance of environmental studies. Environment - definition and importance
- Components of environment – structure of earth - different spheres of earth -atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, biosphere : Introduction and definition
- Biogeochemical cycles - Importance
- Air environment - Structure, composition and importance of different layers of atmosphere
- Water environment - classification – freshwater, importance, availability, components, zones, biotic and abiotic interaction
- Marine water - importance, availability, components, zones, biotic and abiotic interaction
- Global and Indian environment – past and present status
- Environmental pollution - definition, types of pollution, pollutant, types of pollutants
- Air pollution , major air pollutants, source, effect and control measures
- Criteria air pollutants, air quality index (AQI), National ambient air quality standards. Important air pollution events
- Water pollution, source, effect and control measures, water quality standards, eutrophication
- Soil pollution, source, effect and control measures
- Noise pollution, source, effect and control measures
- Impact of different pollution on human, organism and environment
- Food contaminants, preservatives, artificial colours, source, effects and regulations
- Smog – definition – classification – particulate pollution – brown air smog (photochemical smog), gray air smog (industrial smog) formation and chemistry
- Mid semester examination
- Acid rain – source, formation, effect and control measures
- Global warming: global warning – green house effect – green house gases – latest developments – effect and control measures
- Ozone layer – importance, ozone formation and depletion, ozone depleting substances, chemistry and control measures
- Biomagnification – introduction, definition, process and control
- Sewage water source, characteristics, sewage treatment process
- Hazardous waste - handling and management - incineration, pyrolysis and other hazardous waste management practices
- Deforestation – forms, causes – Consequences of Deforestation, conservation strategy
- Role of central pollution control board in pollution prevention and control
- Prevention and control of pollution – technological and sociological measures and solution, Indian and global efforts. Environmental act, law, policy and legislation in India.
- Environment Protection Act, Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution ) act, Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution ) act, Wildlife protection act, Forest conservation act
- International voluntary agencies mandates and activities in environmental conservation - Indian voluntary agencies mandates and activities in environmental conservation
- Important global treaties, agreements & conventions on the environment
- International conferences, convention and summits – major achievements of Montreal protocol, Earth summit
- Kyoto protocol, Emission trading, CDM, Copenhagen summit - over view
- Environmental impact assessment – Over view
- Socio economic factors responsible for environmental degradation
- Human population growth and life style. Environmental education and awareness: overview
- Visit to near by water (pond/river) ecosystem to study biotic and abiotic components
- Documentation of biotic and abiotic components of pond/river ecosystem
- Estimation of Dissolved oxygen content of river/pond water
- Estimation of Biological Oxygen Demand of river/pond water
- Study of Bioindicators of pond/river ecosystem
- Visit to nearby terrestrial (forest) ecosystem to study biotic and abiotic components
- Estimation of organic carbon content of forest/grassland soil
- Visit to nearby grassland ecosystem to study biotic and abiotic components
- Study of population indices of a grassland ecosystem
- Study of pollution indicator plants, insects, birds and animals
- Visit to nearby industry to study pollution abatement techniques
- Collection, processing and storage of industrial effluent samples
- Analysis of temporary and total hardness of effluent sample by titration
- Estimation of Chlorides in effluent sample
- Determination of total dissolved solids (TDS) in effluent samples
- Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in effluent sample
- Practical examination