

X-ray finding-uterine involvement

  • Fluid dense tubular structure that is larger in diameter than small intestinal loops seen in ventral caudal abdomen, displacing loops of intestine dorsally and cranially


Ultra sound impression

  • Uterine anechoic sacculations


Blood Picture

  • Increased WBC count( Normal 8-14 thousand/cmm)
  • Neutrophilia ( Normal-60-70%)
  • Reduced RBC - (Normal-5-8 millions/cc )
  •  Anaemia (Normal HB-10-16gms%)

Blood chemistry

  • Elevated Blood urea Nitrogen (Normal 10 -20 mg/dl)
  • Elevated Creatinine (Normal 1-2mg/dl)

Based on the radiographic, ultrasonographic and haemotology, the case could be diagnosed as pyometra.

Last modified: Saturday, 12 November 2011, 9:26 AM